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One of the most important values a parent can instill in a child is the value of giving. It makes people feel good when they do something for someone else in need. Many times, adults forget that this value is also important to teach to children. When children learn the importance of giving to those in need, they grow up to be happier and more accepting teens and adults. Children can learn what charities areand how to give in the most simplest of ways.

The first thing a parent needs to do is explain what charities are in a non-frightening way. It can be scary for a child to hear that there are people in the world who are hungry or without homes. This is a great opportunity for a parent to explain to a child that charities exist to help these people and when children give, they’re directly helping too. Children sometimes have the biggest hearts of all and teaching them young will have many positive benefits on their development.

Whenever an adult gives to charity, they should directly involve their children. For example, there are frequently charity jars out at various stores. A parent can give their child the change to put in the jar. Take a few minutes to explain where that money is going. Children love being involved and having special jobs.

Children also have different interests even at a young age. That comes in handy when teaching children about charities. When a parent can connect a child’s interest to giving, it’ll make the child more interested in it. If a child likes dogs, consider teaching them about different rescue organizations. Do they like dolls? Have them pick out a doll for a child in need around the holidays.

A simple way to teach children about charities is by having them get directly involved. A parent can create traditions centered around giving. During the holidays, have children donate toys they no longer use. Once a month, create a time where the family can create a home-cooked meal for someone who may need it. Parents should always be looking for opportunities to involve children in giving. It then becomes second nature for children to help others out which benefits everyone in the long run.