It’s just about time to ring in a new year, and with that comes the resolutions we set for ourselves. For many, it could be to live a healthier lifestyle or to have a more optimistic, upbeat attitude. While those are both wonderful resolutions, what if this year that resolution that is set is to support a cause you are strongly passionate about? This goal could be one that can have a major impact on people’s lives within your community. This upcoming year make charitable giving one of your priority resolutions as we head into 2021. The following are just a few ways that you can make that happen.
To start things off, a budget will need to be set. Take a closer look at monthly income and expenses to see what money is left over once bills are taken care of. This will also provide you with a better feel as to whether one large sum donation or monthly contributions to the donation work better for your budget. If selecting small monthly donations, it can be set up to be automatically deducted from your bank account. This way, it can be added to your monthly expenses when looking at your budget.
Take a step back and look at the bigger picture as to why you are donating to a charity. Sit down and create a list of the causes and organizations you deeply care about. Do you find any causes that you are passionate about? If so, that should be the direction you go. Once the list has been narrowed down, spend some time researching the organizations and how your contribution makes a difference.
If you are serious about making a significant charitable donation to an organization, seeking out advice on doing so is strongly encouraged. Enlisting the help of a lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor is the best route to take. It’s important to involve someone who has experience in dealing with nonprofit organizations. They can assist you with tax codes and help to fulfill your goal much more quickly. They know all of the ins and outs and should be able to answer any question that you may have along the way.